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Double Wall Rolling Shutter

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Double Wall Rolling Shutter

Avians insulated rolling shutter present an ideal solution where the environment of your building needs to be consistent & at the same time it should enhance the look to any modern architecture. Insulated rolling shutter minimize energy loss, both with heat ‘flow through’ and round the curtain. They are suitable for loading bays, factories, warehouses and any applications where security is required together with thermal insulation.

Our Puf Insulated rolling shutter are custom designed to suite your specification as the shutter strips are individually insulated with PUF and provide an improved insulation value to that stipulated by standard building regulations.

Our Insulated rolling shutters are also particularly suitable for wide door openings which have to withstand harsh weather conditions. These Insulated rolling shutters have Smooth and noiseless operation. As an additional feature galvanized steel slats, guide and bottom Rail prevents the rolling shutters from rusting and help to provide a long life to these shutters.